Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo
You will Go Under the 🎶 Musical Influence of Guests 👨🎤 Answering 9️⃣ Questions about their 🎵Musical Self. 🎧 S1 - E1-E10 - Friends & Family. 🎧 S2 - E1 -E8 In the Band | Now Available! 🎧 S2 -E9-E10 Coming Soon! ▶️ Follow ➕ 🔔 Share with a 🎼 Music Lover! (Listen to My Other Podcast - Hero Chat Show)
Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo
S1-E2 - Bryan 'T' Gifford | DJ
Go Under the Musical Influence of Bryan 'T' Gifford answering 9 Questions about his Musical Self.
Bryan Started Out as a Back Seat of the Bus, DJ with Mix Tapes and a Tower of Speakers to a DJ at a Skating Rink and is Now a Big Time Mobile DJ with his Own Business DJ Connections under snagaDJ.com.
Bryan 'T' Gifford was One Half of Brian 'T" & Jonni Productions. (Who was the Other Half?)
How Many Songs Can Bryan Mix in a Minute?
What is 23075? (A Zip code or Much More?)
What was the Name of that Club?
What Radio Station? (Who's Billy Surf?)
Did You ever Play DJ with Your Tape Deck Recording the Songs from the Radio?
Music Discussed Songs from AC/DC, Gloria Estefan to Fraggle Rock (What is a Fraggle?) (Yes, Fraggle Rock!), Michael Jackson, Prince, Queen and More!
What Almost Got Bryan 'T' & Jonni Lee Banned from the Radio?
Find Out More About the Band that Intro's & Outro's the Show!
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Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo
S1 E3 - Nicole Watz
[00:01:05.110] - DJJonniBravo Hello, I'm Jonni Bravo.
[00:01:06.910] - DJJonniBravo
Today. You're going Under the Musical Influence of today's guest Bryan Gifford on under the Influence with DJJonniBravo. Bryan, tell me a little bit about your musical self.
[00:01:16.810] - Bryan Gifford
Hey, thanks for having me. I am Bryan Gifford. Also known as Bryan T of the infamous Bryan T and Jonni Lee Productions. And now SnagaDJ. What a privilege and my pleasure to be Under the Influence for me. Music started back in the second grade. We'll touch on that later on in the show. I was your 80s backseat of the bus DJ with mix tapes. In the 90s. I was the one who had the descending tower of speakers in my bedroom and the mixtapes for the car affiliated with a little bit of radio.
[00:01:51.250] - Bryan Gifford
Just some skating rink stuff. Went on to do some mobile work, touched in some clubs everywhere, from the East Coast to the West Coast.
[00:01:58.510] - DJJonniBravo
Bryan and I go way back. Bryan T and Jonni Lee. That was our first little foray into DJing went a little bit like this. I think I had the music. Brian had the equipment. And then I said, if you get cards printed up, we'll do the deal. And I thought you would never get cards printed up. Then what happened with that?
[00:02:16.930] - Bryan Gifford
Exactly? When I got some cards, I showed up in school one day. I'm like, Dude, let's check these cards out. And he's like, sweet. And we just went off from there. What do we do Homecoming or prom that year?
[00:02:28.510] - DJJonniBravo
It was like the after prom at the YMCA I think we had and we had a couple of pool parties.
[00:02:34.450] - Bryan Gifford
We were big time because we got hired to actually do a DJ gig. The lady that hired us actually invited us to be her daughter's date. We were all pimped out in Tuxedos, and she got a limousine. Remember that?
[00:02:46.690] - DJJonniBravo
Oh, yeah.That was like Fairfield Middle School, eight grade dance. We had a bunch of good times running around. I think we had half of your mom's equipment, half of my mom's equipment, tapes, CDs. I don't know if we ever had any vinyl. You played like, eight songs a minute over the skating ring. I remember that. I was like, Is he ever going to play, like, a full song? It's like eight songs a minute. You were just mixing your heart out, man. So much since when we started, but, yeah, Brian T and Jonni Lee Productions.
[00:03:14.050] - DJJonniBravo
So Brian's still out there DJ and SnagaDJ out in Ohio. He's no longer in VA. He's no longer in Virginia. He's in Ohio. Look, Brian up, SnagaDJ, but the DJ company is actually called Some different.
[00:03:26.890] - Bryan Gifford
The home company is DJ Connections. Snagadj.Com actually takes you to the DJ Connections page.
[00:03:33.910] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah. So if you're in Ohio, check him out or give him some parties, give him some weddings. Give him some
[00:03:37.810] - Bryan Gifford Give me some love.
[00:03:38.770] - DJJonniBravo
Give him some love. Give him some love.
[00:03:40.450] - DJJonniBravo
All right. So that's a little bit about his musical self. We'll get into question number two. When did you discover music? Like, how old were you? What were you doing? Where were you? That kind of thing.
[00:03:49.570] - Bryan Gifford
All right, so this is what shaped me into music. So picture of this second grade Gallion Elementary School. I can't even think of the name of the school, but actually, they've torn the building down. Since then. It's been that long ago. Second grade, gift exchange. All I can remember is my gift exchange partner was this pretty little girl. I actually had a crush on her. She got me a Michael Jackson's PYT 45 vinyl, and I can't tell you what was on the back side of it. I don't even remember.
[00:04:18.790] - Bryan Gifford
I don't even think I played that song on the back side. It was PYT over and over and over. So while the kids were roller skating around the cafeteria, here I am up on the stage playing on the school's record player 45 of Michael Jackson's PYT. Watching the kids roller skate. So my musical experience actually started in the second grade
[00:04:37.930] - DJJonniBravo
To be a fly on the wall in second grade. To see those big collars and the bell bottoms. I'm sure. So, You're skating at school with the PYT just over and over.
[00:04:47.470] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah. So I'm sure the school had their own set of 45s. But I do distinctly remember playing that gift exchange 45 of Michael Jackson's PYT to the kids while they were roller skating around the cafeteria.
[00:05:00.190] - DJJonniBravo
Oh, man, if you only had seven more 45, you could have had, like, a whole song in a minute. Like you used to do over at the skating rink. What was that SkateLand out in Mechanicsville that we were at?
[00:05:09.970] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah. Oh, man, I remember that place. That was a really good time, wasn't it? Yeah.
[00:05:14.650] - DJJonniBravo
We had a good time out there. All right, well, we'll head on to question number three. Bryan, what was the first song you remember?
[00:05:21.730] - Bryan Gifford
Other than the Michael Jackson's P-Y-T. My first distinct memory of my personal collection was Michael Jackson's Thriller album. I thought that was the end, all albums. Beat It for Me was the first song that I think comes to my mind. And then Thriller, obviously, Billy Jean. But that entire album for me was my first memory of where my music, my love of music came from Michael Jackson.
[00:05:45.130] - DJJonniBravo
Man, Michael Jackson. And you had to do that lean on the cover, or you just weren't going to sell any records. But Thriller, gosh. That was like a big time seller back in the day. I don't think people realize how big that album truly was and how long that album ran up the charts with all those singles
[00:06:03.430] - Bryan Gifford
Over my lifetime.I bought that album four times.
[00:06:05.350] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah. I mean, that album, I think, is still. I think it charted a few years ago when MJ died. That album just is epitome of anything. Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson Man that's, Beat It, you know Thriller. You can't do a Halloween show without playing Thriller.
[00:06:21.730] - Bryan Gifford
Absolutely not. I have a wedding coming up. Actually, it's Halloween themed, and their song is Michael Jackson's Thriller that they want the wedding party, the dance to. So, yeah, it happens every year.
[00:06:33.130] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah, just to go all zombie fight and do the Thriller. That's the epitome of any show, any dance party that I think we've ever done. The Last wedding. I do. I don't do as many weddings as I used to. You're hogging them all, even though you're in Ohio. The last one I did. I think I put on Thriller at the end of the night, and I had all the people that were cleaning up. Had stopped cleaning. And they were doing the Thriller. It was pretty hilarious. So that song always gets them going, whether it's the end of the night or the beginning or in the middle, especially on Halloween. You got to play that one on Halloween.
[00:07:04.870] - Bryan Gifford
You got too. You but a successful party if you're not playing Thriller.
[00:07:07.810] - DJJonniBravo
That's right. That's right. We're going to take a short break. We'll be right back. So hang on.
[00:07:38.530] - DJJonniBravo
We are back. I'm Jonni Bravo. You're going under the musical influence of today's guest Bryan Gifford on Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo. All right, Bryan, let's talk about girlfriends. We might take the rest of the show on this one. Because I've known you for a long time. Have you had that long distance dedication or that first couple? I always hear song and always send it to you. That I'm always thinking of you when I hear you. You know what song it is, don't you?
[00:08:06.670] - Bryan Gifford
It could be many things, either. The bass CD that we used to jam two in the car. It could be Two in a Room Wiggle It.
[00:08:14.230] - DJJonniBravo
The one song. What was your song with BT? I don't want to say the name because I don't know. She might be out there. Do you remember?
[00:08:22.330] - Bryan Gifford Oh, my goodness.
[00:08:23.110] - DJJonniBravo I'm putting you on the spot.
[00:08:24.130] - Bryan Gifford
I know. You know what? I actually didn't even think about that. I'm going on 50 and my memory is horrible.
[00:08:31.750] - DJJonniBravo
They both come up with the name of the song by the end of the show, right?
[00:08:35.350] - Bryan Gifford Was it Firehouse?
[00:08:36.850] - DJJonniBravo
No, it wasn't Firehouse. It was, that one slow band. It wasn't Xscape. We'll think of it anyway, this is
what happens when I can't think of songs that used to know what they were.
[00:08:50.350] - Bryan Gifford
Well, it wasn't that relationship. I was actually thinking of my first high school sweetheart, which not too many people are very fond of these days. My old DJ buddy said, yeah, I don't know what you're thinking about. But to be honest, it was really weird. That song that her and I used to go to was Jodi Watley's Friends. If you can believe that. It was 1989 Highland Springs, and it was my high school sweetheart. That was a song. anytime that came on, we just kind of connected us there. But I'm really curious if I can access that file for that relationship with the BT initials.
[00:09:29.810] - DJJonniBravo
So my young brain thought of it. Yeah, it's More Than Words by Extreme.
[00:09:35.990] - Bryan Gifford
Oh, my goodness. Yes, please sing that word for word. You know what? I think you've just trumped me. Because forgive me for using that word Trump. Don't I want to offend anybody? Yes, more than words. I'd have to take that one over. Jody Watley. Friends. That was more meaningful. Good call.
[00:09:54.170] - DJJonniBravo
Well, Friends is still a good song too. And I just happened to have the first three albums by Jody Watley still on vinyls. I don't have Extreme. I can't listen to that one. But every time I hear that song, I think about you and BT. We were in the same clique. What do we call ourselves?
[00:10:07.610] - Bryan Gifford
23075. We were the 90210 of Richmond.
[00:10:14.690] - DJJonniBravo Exactly 23075 0f Richmond
[00:10:14.690] - Bryan Gifford We really were.
[00:10:14.690] - DJJonniBravo
Let's talk about concerts. If you remember your first concert. Because we couldn't remember the More than Words by Extreme. If you can't remember your first concert, what's the first concert you do remember?
[00:10:23.270] - Bryan Gifford
So the first concert? I do actually remember this. I'm just quite not sure the location. I'm thinking it was around 1989, and I believe it was King's Dominion. They hosted a Gloria Estefan concert. I saw her live at an amusement park. I think it was Kings Dominion. She was playing. Rhythm is Going to Get You. Man, I got to tell you what. I fell in love with that lady right there.
[00:10:44.330] - DJJonniBravo
Oh, man. Gloria Estefan. That must have been a good show. King's Dominion had some great shows back in the day. I don't know if they're still doing any shows. I think it was a Dogwood Amphitheater over there. That they used to do shows at. Was she with Miami Sound Machine or was she just by herself; or you don't remember?
[00:10:59.810] - Bryan Gifford
She was with Miami Sound Machine. They did Congo, Rhythm is Going to Get You. I mean, all the songs that you used to sing to by Gloria Estefan before her accident? No, it was back when she was hot.
[00:11:13.910] - DJJonniBravo
You trumped me because I don't think I've ever seen Gloria Estefan in concert. But I would definitely want to see her. She was hot. She still is hot.
[00:11:21.650] - Bryan Gifford
I'm sure. Did she go off and marry a drummer or something?
[00:11:24.830] - DJJonniBravo
I'm not sure I want to say she married one of the Miami Sound Machine. But I'm not sure with our old brains, we'd have to Google that or Wikipedia or something.
[00:11:34.430] - Bryan Gifford Thank God for the Internet.
[00:11:36.590] - DJJonniBravo
Exactly. And writing the palm of your hand too. So you can just look it up and see who it is and what she did and all that stuff.
[00:11:41.570] - Bryan Gifford
Oh, yeah, that was my first. But you asked me my favorite. My favorite concert was AC DC in the Richmond Coliseum. And when they did the 21 gun salute. I thought the ceiling was coming down It was so loud.
[00:11:53.510] - DJJonniBravo
Man, as many rock shows have I seen, too. I've never seen AC DC.
[00:11:57.770] - Bryan Gifford
I think Poison opened up for him, if I'm correct. No, that was a Poison David Lee Roth concert. I saw CC Devile fall on his butt for that one. But, man, AC DC. They were loud and that Cannon going off inside that closed Coliseum. I mean, it shook you to the bone. It was so loud.
[00:12:13.550] - DJJonniBravo
Now the Richmond Coliseum, they're no longer even open. They're closed. And actually, if you watch The Walking Dead, the New World Beyond. The last season, they've been filming all over Richmond. They actually, I think for season two filmed at Maymont Park. But they filmed outside of the Richmond Coliseum. So that shows you what that place looks like now. But such great shows there. I saw Poison and Tesla. That was my first show. So I saw Poison as well.
[00:12:41.870] - Bryan Gifford
Poison, They had a great show. That was a lot of fun, to be honest with you. A lot of hot girls, too, man. There's a lot of women that go to see Poison.
[00:12:48.590] - DJJonniBravo
Well, and that was back in the day when they would do rock shows, and they would do, like, the guitar solo and the drum solo. They don't do that anymore. They write in the music. Unless it's a really huge band. They don't really pause that much. Like when I went and saw Van Halen, of course, Eddie, they had one for him. Everybody in the place was stand up for his guitar solo.
[00:13:07.010] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah. I remember when we went to Virginia Beach and Tommy Lee had just started doing the whole drum thing? We thought that was a cool thing we'd ever seen in our lifetime.
[00:13:14.570] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah, man. Tommy Lee on the drums. That was so cool. I met him one time when I worked at Q94. When he was dating Heather Locklear. And I remember asking about Heather Locklear because she was on a couple of shows. She was really hot. And I said, How's she doing? He's doing? She's doing good.
[00:13:29.750] - Bryan Gifford That's awesome.
[00:13:30.590] - DJJonniBravo Tommy Lee.
[00:13:31.910] - Bryan Gifford
Hey, Tommy. How's Heather doing?
[00:13:34.850] - DJJonniBravo
What's up with Heather? What's he been doing? Like, I was talking to him like I just talked to him last Tuesday or something.
[00:13:39.470] - Bryan Gifford Yeah.
[00:13:40.250] - DJJonniBravo
We want to talk about musical purchases. What was your first music purchase that you remember? Was it vinyl? Tape? CD? Stream? Probably going to be vinyl for you, I would suppose.
[00:13:51.590] - Bryan Gifford
Well, I didn't get into vinyl, actually, until after I graduated high school. And that was out in California when I was, I actually learned how to beat mix on a set of Technics 1200 in a nightclub in San Diego. But my first music purchase would have been, actually, I don't think you even know this story. My dad will confirm this if he ever hears the show. So I was ten years old living in Besires, Ohio. My dad's a pastor just to paint this picture. And somehow I acquired an Aerosmith cassette.
[00:14:26.210] - Bryan Gifford
Five finger discounted an Aerosmith cassette. My dad caught me. He found it in my room. Want to know how I got it? Because we weren't allowed to have regular music. We weren't allowed to have secular stuff. In fact, if I was listening to, like, Anne Murray in my bedroom, he would tell me if I was going to listen to that stuff. I had to listen to it with my door shut. That was how tough it was. So I had this. All of a sudden I had this Aerosmith cassette and he confronted me about it.
[00:14:49.370] - Bryan Gifford
Took me back to the store and actually made me purchase it. Apologize to the store owner, and I had to buy that tape. So my first purchase was a ten year old boy being taken back to the store to purchase the cassette.
[00:15:02.390] - DJJonniBravo
What cassette was it? Do you remember what the name of it was or what Aerosmith wanted? You just remember Aerosmith. You don't remember what cassette it was.
[00:15:09.350] - Bryan Gifford
I can almost see the jacket, the cassette thing. She used to have a little paper jacket she could pull out and fold them and have all the lyrics to all the songs. I couldn't tell you what cassette was. I don't know. Name one or two other albums.
[00:15:20.270] - DJJonniBravo
Oh, I don't know, man Toys in the Attic.
[00:15:22.790] - Bryan Gifford No.
[00:15:23.270] - DJJonniBravo
Was it the red? Because that was the Greatest Hits, it red one.
[00:15:27.950] - Bryan Gifford
I believe it was a red. I think the insert was a red, like artwork on it or something.
[00:15:33.770] - DJJonniBravo
We probably have people screaming at us right now. That's what it is. Guys are fools. I know, right? Tying into your story talking about that. Just reminds me of being on a bus, a Church bus with the youth group and somebody in the back of the bus pulling out the cassette tape of Guns N Roses, Appetite for Destruction. You know with the cross on and everything. Speaking of having a cassette on the Church bus that you shouldn't have. I mean, that was probably one of the top ones there, but I don't think Aerosmith did you too wrong.
[00:16:03.650] - Bryan Gifford
The first question you asked me about. Welcoming me to the show and my history and music. I touched briefly that back in the 80s, I was that backseat of the bus DJ. And I used to make those 80s hair band rock tapes. You got to wait until the radio announcer finishes his radio line and then you hit the record button. So you're not getting any of those top of the hour liners that they did and then try to stop it before he starts talking again at the end of the song.
[00:16:32.150] - Bryan Gifford
And it was just one rock song after another. On a Boombox like 8D cell batteries, speaker facing forward and the bus driver not once ever told me, turn it down, turn it off. Nothing. I was DJing in the back of the bus and like, middle school, you know,.
[00:16:48.770] - DJJonniBravo
They don't know the struggle is real. When you used to listen to the radio and try to listen to your favorite song. Because your mom wouldn't give you any money to buy a record. So you'd be sitting there waiting for the next record to come on, like listening to the top five or ten or whatever it was in your neighborhood and trying to record that song coming on. And it's like, DJ, don't talk over. Don't talk over. Why are you talking over it? And it would mess it up. It was like, I want this song.
[00:17:12.710] - DJJonniBravo
What the whole song without you talking over the damn thing?
[00:17:15.170] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah. Why do you got to talk for 1st 30 seconds of the song? And then once it's over, you hope the next song is on a good one so that you can pause it, wind the tape back just a little bit so that you can hit record again. And then back then, that was seamless. There was no dead air. But if you went back and listened to those tapes now you'd be like, wow, that was horrible.
[00:17:35.150] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah, that's all we had. It's like that your mom wouldn't give you. It was like you could get a $.99 cent, 45 or $1.49, but you couldn't get a $1.49 out of your mom. Or even a dollar to buy, much less an album, which was like $7.99 or $8.99. Cassettes sets were probably a little cheaper $5.99 or $6.99. And so this is what we did. We listen to the radio and try to get the song, don't talk over it. Don't play any songs, don't mix the thing, just kind of fade it out and let it fade out.
[00:18:02.870] - DJJonniBravo
So you'd have, like, a perfect kind of tape you could give to your girl or whoever. And somebody would even give you, sometimes they give you money for a mixed tape.
[00:18:10.550] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah. You actually had two jobs that I was always envious of. Q 94. Actually, man, that's the job to have right there. But didn't you work at a record store too, or something in the mall?
[00:18:24.350] - DJJonniBravo
Sam Goody.I worked at Sam Goody. Goody Got it. I worked at the one at Eastgate Mall and it became Fairfield Commons. They took out the old Gary's Music and put in a Sam Goody. But before I was there, I was over at Regency Square Mall at the Sam Goody out there. So, yeah, I worked at the Sam Goody. And then Q 94 right out. We were both in high school, both at the VOTECH doing radio
together. Got a job working with them, doing research and then got on the radio. And I thought I was hot stuff, man.
[00:18:53.690] - Bryan Gifford
Oh, you were hot stuff, man. Well, you and Billy, I mean, Billy had the greatest 05:00 top of the hour sound clip I've ever heard in my lifetime. In fact, if I could get that without his name in it. I would love to have that, man, I couldn't keep up with you. You would come in with promo music and stuff that I hadn't heard of before. And you're like, Dude, check this out. This song is hot. And sure enough, it would be hot on the radio, like the next month.
[00:19:18.110] - Bryan Gifford
But you're getting stuff before. I think the radio was even playing. You were definitely the go to for the music.
[00:19:23.390] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah. We had a whole prize closet. So if you were in promotions, you go in there. If we did a movie or whatever, we could get T shirts and CDs and all that stuff. But Billy Surf and he had the drop. The drop was because he did nights for Q 94. Billy had left and Madman Paul Madison was on the radio, and I came on after Madman, Jonni Bravo. And then Kirby Carmichael came on. But Billy's drop was when the sun goes down, the surf comes in.
[00:19:52.310] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah. Then it actually changed over to, like a factory Horn blowing. And then there was something from, like The Flintstones and all about clocking out at 05:00 or whatever it was. And now it's time for music. It was super cool. I just remember, like, Man, I'd love to have that.
[00:20:12.110] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah. He had clapping and screaming at the end of it, after they would say that part. All that clapping and screaming, like he invited, like, his mom and his brother and his family into the studio when they were jumping up and down doing the clapping and stuff so he could record that for that bit. So that's a little information that people probably didn't know if they were listening to Billy. At the very end of that it was a lot of clapping and screaming and whatnot.
[00:20:34.550] - Bryan Gifford
it was what Virginia Beach in Richmond and then back to Virginia Beach.
[00:20:38.690] - DJJonniBravo
I think he was actually DC. I think he was up at Z 104 up in DC and then came down and did radio down here at Q94. I met him doing research and then got to be fast friends and showed him kind of around Richmond. We kind of hung out and got him all what he needed to know and all that kind of stuff. And yeah, Billy Surf, man.
[00:20:57.170] - Bryan Gifford
You and Billy were FM am cool. I was AM cool, I think, for about a hot minute. But that was it.
[00:21:03.830] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah. We did the radio. We made our round. So we've been around clubs and radio and skating rinks. I went on a cruise ship. We've done all kinds of things.
[00:21:14.930] - Bryan Gifford
I do remember that now you were actually tearing it up on a cruise ship for quite a while.
[00:21:19.130] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah. Carnival Cruise Lines, DJing. For a while, I was Jonni Lee on Carnival Cruise lines as well. So out there back and forth to the Bahamas. Freeport and Nassau, two cruises a week.
[00:21:31.130] - Bryan Gifford
[00:21:31.670] - DJJonniBravo
Tough Life. I had the electricity, disco tech. Playing hip hop Hooray. And you had all the neon and the thing, and I could make the lights go from one side to the other. So whenever they go, hey ho, I would do the music one side and the other side. I thought it was hot stuff, man.
[00:21:47.870] - Bryan Gifford That is hot stuff.
[00:21:49.730] - DJJonniBravo
We're going to take a break. We'll be right back. Stay tuned. We are back. I'm Jonni Bravo. You're going under the Musical Influence of today's guest Bryan Gifford. I know him as Bryan T on Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo. All right, Bryan, we're into it now, man. We've been thinking about it all night. I know out of all the millions of songs that you've listened to, that we've played over lapse of our lives. Man, can you narrow it down to one? Can you tell me what's your favorite song by an artist or a band or a group? I sit here, paint the picture. Give me a short story. This might be a long story.
[00:22:50.110] - Bryan Gifford
Well, I mean, would you accept the answer? Fraggle Rock? Fraggle Rock. I was just kidding. Oh, man. Fraggle Rock. So here in Ohio, my brother is owned a nightclub and every night, every single. And this is not my favorite. I just have to paint this picture for you real quick. But Fraggle Rock every night at the end of the night to get them out of the club, we played Fraggle Rock. And it actually got to the point where if we didn't play it, they were requesting it.
[00:23:16.390] - Bryan Gifford
But, man, I'm a Gemini. And to be in radio. And I think about the different decades, like in the 80s, my favorite song probably was something like Quiet Riot Come on Feel the Noise. In the 90s, it was probably Fantastic Voyage at the club, Twister. I couldn't wait for them to play that song. Do you remember Twister?
[00:23:36.970] - DJJonniBravo
Twister? And then it became Have a Nice Day Cafe. Was that the one or is that a different one?
[00:23:41.950] - Bryan Gifford
I couldn't tell you, because after that, I joined the military. After I graduated, we did College for Quick Minute. But then I went out San Diego.
[00:23:49.930] - DJJonniBravo
The flood zone became Have a Nice Day Cafe. Twisters was another place. We used to go to. And you weren't around at this time. We used to go to a club called Newgate Prison. And that was where now the VCU police are there. But that was a place called Newgate Prison, and it was an underage club that we would go to. And I won't tell you what we did to get in before we went in there.
[00:24:09.670] - Bryan Gifford
I remember going to a club after I got back from boot camp. Standing in line. I think you were with me. I feel like maybe you guys were with me and met this girls. I remember she was in a blue dress and we were standing in line. And as you come up to the top of the ramp, there was like a school bus hanging from the ceiling or something. Yeah, I can't really remember the name of the club. The Flood Zone didn't Oingo Boingo play at the Flood Zone back in the day.
[00:24:38.170] - DJJonniBravo
I don't know if I went to see Fighting Gravity there. I know I saw Fighting Gravity there, but there was a bunch of bands that came through the Flood Zone back in the day. I don't even remember who came through there, but a lot of, Dave Matthews came through there.
[00:24:51.850] - Bryan Gifford
Oh, wow. And they probably weren't nearly as big as they are now. Or five or ten years ago, back in the 90s. Answer your question. I figured this was going to come up sometime, so I've narrowed down. You got these hot bands. And for me, it's always been Queen. I love Queen. I think Queen was great. When the movie came out, I learned actually a lot about Queen, and I didn't know. You were only the history buff as far as bands and numbers and bands still together and breaking up and things like that.
[00:25:22.810] - Bryan Gifford
So for me to get into the history Queen, I didn't know. So I'm hoping the movie is accurate. But Radio Ga Ga for me, actually, after I heard it in the movie, it's one of those go to that I've got to play at pretty much all my gigs. If I'm setting up or tearing down or if it's requested, I try to play that song at every gig .Its where I'm at right now. Radio Ga Ga from Queen is a hot song for me.
[00:25:46.690] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah, I still watch everything I get my hand on. As far as if it's like VH1 Behind the Music, or if it's Classic Albums, any kind of documentary on music. I'm there. I'll watch it on Queen. My favorite song by Queen that I had on a 45 was Another One Bites the Dust. I wore that thing out.
[00:26:04.870] - Bryan Gifford
Oh, man, I can remember that, too. And that was one of those albums that my dad said did not want in the house. At that time the Church was just figuring out that if you played it backwards and I actually did it, I did it to see if I could understand it. If you played it backwards, it supposedly says. It's fun to smoke marijuana. I seem to remember saying that. So you might have to try that sometime if you've never done it.
[00:26:25.990] - DJJonniBravo
If you Wikipedia it. If you look at that song on Wikipedia, it does say that. It says exactly what you just said. You can Wikipedia that song, and it will say that about that song.
[00:26:37.570] - Bryan Gifford
It does one of those albums that was not allowed and I had it.
[00:26:42.610] - DJJonniBravo
You got to have a Queen record. Fraggle Rock, though. That's the ultimate there.
[00:26:46.690] - Bryan Gifford
You probably never saw that coming. Fraggle Rock. I mean that.
[00:26:49.990] - DJJonniBravo
Oh, man, no, that's awesome. I wouldn't have picked that one for you. I worked on you talking about Am. I worked on an Am station, W XGI because it was owned by two Xgis. And it was a supposedly where Loretta Lynn came in at one point in her life and pushed her record Coal Miner's Daughter with her husband back in the day. But I would get off that radio and you always have on the radio. You would always have a song that you played at the end or you would try to.
[00:27:13.690] - DJJonniBravo And mine was, Big Bad John.
[00:27:16.150] - Bryan Gifford Oh, yeah.
[00:27:17.470] - DJJonniBravo
I would play that record. Not that's my favorite, but I don't know if I could pick a favor. All right, so we got your favorite songs, and we got it by genre and also by Fraggle Rock. The Muppets.
[00:27:29.410] - Bryan Gifford
It wasn't the Muppets. What were those things?
[00:27:31.690] - DJJonniBravo
They were Muppets. Jim Henson Muppets. He made that show.
[00:27:34.870] - Bryan Gifford Fraggle Rock.
[00:27:35.590] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah, they're like, not the Muppets. Not like Kermit and Miss Piggy. And not that these guys were like, hairy Underground, kind of goofy, like, creepy kind of Muppets.
[00:27:47.410] - DJJonniBravo
When it pops up, it says Jim Henson. Seriously, I'm not lying to you. It says Jim. Henson.
[00:27:55.790] - Bryan Gifford
I had no idea. Same guy that did the Muppets is doing Fraggle Rock. Yeah, I had no clue.
[00:28:02.450] - DJJonniBravo See, you learned something.
[00:28:03.530] - Bryan Gifford
See, I got the equipment. You got the knowledge and the music.
[00:28:07.550] - DJJonniBravo
Fraggle Rock. That's awesome. All right. So your band. What's your favorite band?
[00:28:13.970] - Bryan Gifford
That's a toss up. You know, I've been talking about Michael Jackson pretty much the whole time. So for me, Michael Jackson's is the all entertainer. It sucks when he passed. Along with Michael Jackson. I'm a big fan of Prince. Do you remember back in Columbia House? Do you remember Columbia House? The CD subscriptions?
[00:28:30.050] - DJJonniBravo
Was it twelve albums for a Penny or something like that? And then order one or three in the next year or something.
[00:28:35.630] - Bryan Gifford
Order three over the next year. I think it was three over the next year.
[00:28:40.910] - DJJonniBravo
And then you'd go broke because you'd order, like, so many because then you saw so many that you wanted after the free eight or the free twelve or whatever it was.
[00:28:47.390] - Bryan Gifford
So for me, that's where my first Michael Jackson CD come from. And Prince. Prince is another one of my favorites. And that's hard I can't go Michael Jackson or Prince, it's both. I had a pretty large vinyl collection that I sold. Somebody is very fortunate to have that now that had some Michael Jackson, Prince in it. And I got to be honest, I've actually replaced those albums since then. Picked up some others that I didn't have these albums that I'm picking up now. These aren't, like your $15.99 album, twelve inch vinyl.
[00:29:18.410] - Bryan Gifford
These are, like, $50, like, limited prints. Yeah, I'm paying, like $50 an album now for vinyl.
[00:29:26.270] - DJJonniBravo
Records are not vinyl's, not cheap. I paid $100 for original Snoop Dogg Doggystyle not too long ago.
[00:29:30.230] - Bryan Gifford
I believe it. That's a great album, actually.
[00:29:32.570] - DJJonniBravo
I mean, I had to pay $100. I paid $100 for just don't tell my wife. Hopefully she's not listening. I paid $100 for Metallica. What's the red one? I can't think of. It not Injustice for All. I had that one already.
[00:29:43.790] - Bryan Gifford
I got a stack of vinyl over there. It's probably worth more than that entire album collection that I sold for. What was $500? Something like that.
I think I paid $400.
[00:29:53.210] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah, probably Michael Jackson and Prince. Those are my favorites. I'm a big Weird Al fan, though, too. Weird Al for me back in the day. He was a mastermind.
[00:30:04.790] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah, a lot of people don't give him enough credit. They basically think, hey, he just basically ripped people off. But he had to come up with all the lyrics and all the kind of stuff. Instead of Beat it. He had Eat It. He had a bunch of hit records.
[00:30:19.430] - Bryan Gifford
The see him in concert was kind of a let down, another amusement park thing. I don't remember if it was Ohio or Virginia or where I saw it might have been California. When I was out there. I saw him at concert, and it was kind of a let down. But to listen to his music, like, recorded. Perfected. It's actually genius. So I give them some credit. Not a favorite. Just one of those. Like, you want to change some stuff up? Grab somewhere Weird Al.
[00:30:42.770] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah.I recently saw him. We do some raising money, fundraising for my daughter for roller skating. And we were doing some stuff out at the racetrack. They still have a place out there. It's called the Virginia Credit Union Live now. It was called Strawberry Hill or something back in the day. But Weird Al came out there. And so I got a chance to see him. And it was neat to see him. But, yeah, for some people still got the nostalgia. But I was just like, okay, here we are.
[00:31:07.250] - DJJonniBravo
So that name of that record is Master of Puppets. But don't tell my wife.
[00:31:10.310] - Bryan Gifford Master of Puppets.
[00:31:11.090] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah, Master of Puppets. That was Metallica. Quick story about MJ and Prince. MJ wanted Prince to be on his record, and it was Bad. Prince was basically they were going to be on that one where he's like, talking about touching his butt or whatever. And Prince was like, I'm not who's singing that lyric? Where it says, your butt is mine. He's like, who's singing that lyric? And he's like, you are Prince. And Prince. I'm not singing that lyric. They got Prince and Michael Jackson into a fight because I guess he didn't start on Bad. And they ended up having some animosity after that.
[00:31:43.190] - Bryan Gifford
Let's roll back a little bit to Poison. I hope you don't disown me for this, but I actually just where we're talking about purchasing albums. Actually just sold a sign by all the members, all four members of Poison. I just sold that Open Up and Say Ahhhh!, with the banned US cover with the long tongue. I know, right. Are they going to ban that with how much they allow to get away with these days. But anyways, that album, I had two of them, two signed albums. One was signed by Brett, the other was
signed by all four members for $350 for two signed autograph albums.
[00:32:16.910] - DJJonniBravo
I think I have the banned cover, but I think it's like a German pressing or something I picked up. But you look at those nowadays and you show people and they're like, Why was this even banned? And we thought the same thing back then, but it's a girl looking like a demon or a snake or something that has a long tongue. And they banned it. Bon Jovi had a banned record with the Slippery When Wet. They had the Wet T shirt on the front. They banned that. I can kind of see why they banned that, but the tongue was just kind of stupid.
[00:32:42.050] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah, I didn't know the Bon Jovi's art was banned.
[00:32:45.950] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah, they had to redo the cover. Slippery When Wet. The Road sign? Well, not the road sign. They use some kind of bag or whatever with water or something to make that cover. But it was a Wet T shirt is what it was. All right, you ready? It's the big final
[00:32:59.750] - Bryan Gifford Let's do it.
[00:33:00.110] - DJJonniBravo
Here we go. How has music impacted your life?
[00:33:09.930] - Bryan Gifford
Oh, man, a whole life of music. If you think about that, it really has been from the second grade to the back of the bus. That sounded bad didn't it. Anyways, back of the bus. DJ to high school, dances, nightclubs and bars. Oh, my gosh. Radio, skating rings like you talked about to where I'm at today. I can remember my mom telling me just shortly out of high school. What are you ever going to do with music? It's never going to be enough to support you. We were. So iffy, like, what are you going to do?
[00:33:41.730] - Bryan Gifford
I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life. Whether I was going to go to College, I kind of joined the military out of the blue while they're in Ohio on vacation. I'm in Richmond. They come back. I said I joined the military only because my recruiter told me that each ship has got its own radio station and I could be a DJ on board of a ship. So I got screwed out of that deal. Music has led me to a very professional career, successful career.
[00:34:07.290] - Bryan Gifford
And I'm at the point now where I can choose my gigs. I don't have to depend on settling for, like, a small budget, long hour, big set up gig just to make some money to put some gas in my fuel tank. I still love what I do being a professional wedding. DJ do some non formal stuff, too. But, man, I like the equipment. It's allowed me to evolve. Stay ahead of the curve, be competitive out there with other mobile DJs. Have that free spirit to pick and choose.
[00:34:38.970] - Bryan Gifford
Now what I want to do for me. I mean, I'm pulling a DJ trailer with a Hummer. I don't see that a lot.
[00:34:45.510] - DJJonniBravo
And you talk about being jealous, like, Bryan's got this Hummer. And it's white and it's all decked out SnagaDJ right across it. I'm like, Dude, what in the what?
[00:34:55.830] - Bryan Gifford
It doesn't move. Well, there's two reasons it doesn't move because we don't pass too many gas stations. We took the original factory five cylinder out and put a big LSV eight engine in it, so it makes a noise. It definitely had a head Turner, but it doesn't move unless it's going to a gig. That newness of having a Hummer is kind of worn off. So when it goes out, it's clean. It's got big wheels and tires, and
it's pulling the trailer. And, yeah, it's a SnagaDJ right across both sides of it.
[00:35:23.130] - Bryan Gifford
I actually picked up some sponsors. I don't know if there's actually pictures on SnagaDJ.com or not. Com. I've got sponsors all over it now. To be a professional wedding. DJ was sponsored.
[00:35:33.090] - DJJonniBravo
I was telling my buddy I was like, I'm going to have to see if I can get, like, a logo on the side of Bryan's SnagaDJ truck.
[00:35:41.010] - Bryan Gifford Under the Influence.
[00:35:42.330] - DJJonniBravo Yeah, man.
[00:35:43.110] - Bryan Gifford
Oh, man. I'll tell you what. You sent me the logo. I'll put it on there. How's that? We won't even need a sponsorship fee. We'll just promote for you in Ohio.
[00:35:51.270] - DJJonniBravo
There you go. So I'll be all over Ohio. Be like, look for the SnagaDJ and then scan my scannable. Friend, you can get to the podcast.
[00:35:57.870] - Bryan Gifford
I'll tell you what. I'll do this for you. Make it. You see the windshield visors that they put on there, right? Like, Jeep will have one of those cross windows of Jeep or Dodge. You know what I'm talking about?
[00:36:10.710] - DJJonniBravo I think so.
[00:36:11.310] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah. Make me one that's big enough to go across the front of the windshield and we'll put Under the Influence right there on the front windshield.
[00:36:18.750] - DJJonniBravo
Sounds like a plan. Sounds like a plan. What does your mom say now, man, about your music? Did she say anything? Have you reminded her of that conversation or No.
[00:36:25.530] - Bryan Gifford
So Mom's always been involved with us. I can remember a couple of times her mom came along with us on nights out. We were going out to the club or something. We drag mom on. Mom's cool. Mom's a nice breaker. She gets on the dance floor before any of us because we're too scared. She's seen the system grow and grow and grow, and she's actually out there pushing. I think she's pimping me out. You can tell Mom's proud. She's seen the business take off and got bigger.
[00:36:53.970] - Bryan Gifford
And she knows I'm busy every single week and she'll come down. I'm sitting at the table at the desk, now on the computer. I got my readers on because I can't see and I'm typing up agreements or itineraries putting together my library for the next wedding. She was like, what are you doing? I'm like, I'm working on another wedding. I'm like, Mom, I'm booked out through the rest of the year. Every single weekend ended in 2022 and 2023. I've got a couple of books for 2023 already. Are you serious?
Yes. And you will travel in that Hummer, too. You went down to Florida recently. You went down there for a DJ gig. I think it was a wedding. You'll travel far.
[00:37:28.170] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah. It was my first time ever in Florida, and some people be like, Well, you've not really experienced Florida. Because we were right inside the Georgia Florida line. Fernandina beach actually is where it was at. Very nice. Yeah. We traveled to Florida, do a wedding. We've been to Charlotte, North Carolina, Pittsburgh, Michigan, Indiana. Just had a lady, actually from Missouri, called me and asked me if I would be willing to come up there. I'm like, yeah, but it's going to be super expensive, so I wouldn't recommend that I was willing to go.
[00:37:55.350] - Bryan Gifford
Definitely will travel. I actually traveled. So here's an experience. I don't know if I ever told you about this. I actually got hired by a company here in Ohio. It was back when Tough Mudder just started its thing. Tough Mudder just started getting bigger. It's got Warrior Dash too. You might have heard of that, but Tough Mudder was having an event at Devil's Head Ski Resort up in Wisconsin. I didn't have to take any equipment. I took my laptop, flew me to the ski resort for the event.
[00:38:21.510] - Bryan Gifford
I was the DJ at the finish line. I was the MC for the costume contest, paid for my hotel, my food and my drinks and $500 on top of it. I thought it was a big deal. I was like, in front of 50,000 people dressed up to do this Tough Mudder on, and I'm being flown out to DJ. It was super cool, super sweet.
[00:38:41.310] - DJJonniBravo
Well, man, I'm proud of you from back in the day, and you twisting my arm to get into this DJ thing. I mean, you went on that whole tirade of talking about all this cool stuff. Never once did you mention that we would have never hooked up, man, if it wouldn't have been for this love of music that we both have. And you really can't explain it to people when they say I collect vinyl, I listen to music or I DJ or I do this kind of thing.
[00:39:04.110] - DJJonniBravo
I sing, I'm in a band or whatever. They really just don't understand the love that we have of music and the camaraderie that we have and just starting off doing those $50 parties, and now we're being flown out to places to do events. And now we're like, the resident experts and people are like, that guy knows all about the history of music and has all these records. And this guy knows about playing music and how to mix eight songs in a minute. And all this kind of stuff.
[00:39:34.890] - DJJonniBravo
And his mom said it would never amount anything. But here we are. I'm not going to say how many years later, but from being 18 year old kids and we're still doing this thing, and it's just awesome. And we would have never met one another without this thing. We call radio and DJing and podcasting and whatever that we're doing recently because of the love that we have for music. So that's just awesome, man.
[00:40:02.730] - Bryan Gifford
I believe I remember the classroom because we set side by side. I think it was like social studies, and I'm over here hustling to take notes and falling behind because I can't keep up with the teacher on the chalkboard, and I look over. And, dude, you're writing. You're taking class notes and your eyes are closed. You're sleeping. I swear, you were snoring and you're taking perfect notes. I'm like, what in the world. So I think it all started from that conversation. Like, how are you doing that?
[00:40:27.570] - Bryan Gifford Are you passing this class?
[00:40:29.850] - DJJonniBravo
Wasn't that Coach Stokes? Did we have Stokes? Was that who it was?
[00:40:33.090] - Bryan Gifford
I don't remember, but I specifically remember sitting next to you. You were sleeping, taking notes, and
I'm like, I'm falling behind personally, who is this guy?
[00:40:44.430] - DJJonniBravo
I just remember you waking me up, and I was all grogging. I'm like, who is this dude waking me up. I'm napping. I'm taking the notes. It's history class. I don't need to be bothered. And I'm glad you bothered me because we've had a long haul. Before we got on this podcast, we started recording. Bryan and I had the story. I don't know. Do you want me to tell her? Do you want to tell it about the incident in WHCE?
[00:41:05.970] - Bryan Gifford
Oh, let me tell my part. And then before the reveal, I'll let you reveal what happened. Okay, so here's the picture. Here's. Two high school students on a high school radio station, and it's top of the hour. It's time to do the news. It's serious. You're client the radio station ID. There's no dead air. It's time to go to work. I'm running the board, and our board consists of knobs. You had to turn a knob, turn the volume up. It wasn't sliders. They were knobs. And we are using carts that look like eight tracks.
[00:41:41.910] - Bryan Gifford
So you had to pop in a cart for the liner. Turn the knob up for the microphone. We're getting ready. We're starting. I'm introducing the radio station. I'm getting ready to introduce my partner, Jonni Lee, to do the news and getting this tap on my shoulder. I'm focused. I got my eyes forward. He's sitting on my right. He's tapping me on the shoulder. I'm still looking forward. He keeps tapping. I finally look over. And here you go. Go ahead. Tell him what happened.
[00:42:11.490] - DJJonniBravo
I had to turn the mic off because I'm laughing, and I think I was laughing that day, but I couldn't laugh because we were getting ready to go live. So it's like, you have to be quiet because it's like you're recording and you got all this kind of stuff going on and right. We're really serious because we're live on air. Actual radio station on the FM dial is 91.1 WHCE and HCE stands for Henrico County Education. And Bryan's, like, being all serious. This is for a grade. I'm sitting there. I had just snotted a little bit because it was probably winter time.
[00:42:46.410] - DJJonniBravo
Maybe it wasn't. Maybe that's just the excuse that I'm bringing up right now and he's all serious. I'm getting ready to do the news. I thought you were doing the news. Maybe I was doing the news. I don't know.
[00:42:56.430] - Bryan Gifford
I'm in front of the board and you're sitting. I don't know. Maybe. No. I was in front of the board and you're sitting on my right.
[00:43:03.330] - DJJonniBravo So I was doing the news.
[00:43:05.850] - Bryan Gifford
I didn't have my eyes on you. You were off my right shoulder.
[00:43:09.870] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah. You were being all studious and all, like, business because you were all about the equipment. Bryan, if you know anything about Bryan, he loves the equipment. He loves tearing equipment apart. He loves putting it back together again. If there's problems with the equipment, you call Bryan. If you don't know what's going on with some kind of equipment, you call Bryan. Bryan knows all about the equipment. He would be doing lights on equipment and making it fancy and whatever. I mean, about the equipment. So he's all focused on equipment.
[00:43:33.090] - DJJonniBravo
He's not looking at me whatsoever. And maybe it's because you weren't looking at me. Maybe it was because you're being so serious. I don't know. But I snotted a little bit, had a big green Booger at the
end of my nose, and I point to this big green Booger. And Serious guys looses it all over the studio.
[00:43:51.450] - Bryan Gifford
Oh, my God. I could recover. I couldn't recover.
[00:43:56.550] - DJJonniBravo Adam Stubbs comes in there.
[00:44:00.510] - Bryan Gifford
It wasn't like a big green, It was like you got hit by what's? The green Slimer on Ghostbusters. I mean, it was literally like that from your nose.
[00:44:08.370] - DJJonniBravo
We had a room directly behind us to have all the equipment in there. We had to run in that room and close the door because we were laughing. Adam Stubbs, they used to be on the radio. When was it? 98.1? Lite, 98. He was on the radio. He was our teacher. He came in there. I think he was even cursing. XL102. He was on a bunch of radio . I think he even cursed at us. Like, I think maybe I'm making that up, but he was so mad at us.
[00:44:33.690] - DJJonniBravo
I don't think we were allowed back in the studio for, like, a long time.
[00:44:37.230] - Bryan Gifford
You guys are done. You're not allowed back on air for, like, you're not allowed back on there for a month. The only ones don't get on the station. We were back on the next day after he said he wasn't going to cover us.
[00:44:50.070] - DJJonniBravo
Exactly. The thing about it is that they had no one to run the station. So we were back on, like, pretty much immediately, but it was so funny. Oh, man.
[00:44:58.950] - Bryan Gifford
91.1 should have gone from just playing today's favorites to Bryan T Jonni Lee talk show because it would have been hysterical.
[00:45:07.350] - DJJonniBravo
We would have had so much fun, but Stubbs kept us away, and that's okay, too. We moved on to bigger and better things. Or maybe not. I don't know. Maybe we're still looking at green boogers.
[00:45:15.330] - Bryan Gifford He was cool.
[00:45:16.050] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah, he was definitely cool. Anything to add, Bryan?
[00:45:18.690] - Bryan Gifford
No, I was actually wondering if you're going to bring that up. So I'm kind of glad you did, because it's always good to laugh. And I'll tell you what, when you laugh like that, you're laughing from your gut. It was actually genuine. So we'll probably laugh about that until the day we die.
[00:45:32.010] - DJJonniBravo
We'll know that story forever. We'll be sitting there as two old men in the rocking chair, still rocking and rolling. You know what I'm saying? And we'll be laughing. And probably we'll be snotting on ourselves then. So it won't even be funny because we will actually just be snotting on one another.
[00:45:45.330] - Bryan Gifford
No, I've been trying to get a reason to come back to Richmond, Highland Springs and pull the trailer.
Well, now that I got a Hummer. We really need to redo a Bryan T & Jonni Lee production prom. If you can hook that up, get a hold of somebody on the prom commitee. I'm sure whoever's doing it now is doing a great job, but that would be a great time to reminisce like that.
[00:46:03.870] - DJJonniBravo
Well, it's a brand new podcast. I don't know if we're going to have any listeners, but if we have any listeners or somebody out there who wants to do a party and wants Bryan to do it. And wants the duo to get back together, Bryan T and Jonni Lee Productions will definitely do it. We'll bring the Hummer out and have the big SnagaDJ logo on there. Bring out the equipment. And, man, we won't throw snot on you, but we'll definitely throw some jams on you.
[00:46:27.870] - Bryan Gifford
Actually, if anybody's listening, we might just have to discount the price that they bring up that they heard this on the podcast, they cover the fuel and maybe a hotel. We might just end up doing it for free if it's a big enough event.
Well, don't give it away. Don't give it away.
[00:46:40.770] - Bryan Gifford Now.
[00:46:40.950] - DJJonniBravo
They think we're big time. We got this podcast. We got to pay for this thing, so maybe they'll give us a little bit of money.
[00:46:46.290] - Bryan Gifford
Okay, we can't do it for free. So we'll negotiate. I'd like to do it big time. Come out to Richmond or Highland Springs, do something big time. We don't have the Circuit City Onkyo receiver and the Realistic back of a car boom box anymore. It's big stuff. I still have the Onkyo almost never existed because I remember a guy got Super Super upset over a Penny.
[00:47:08.490] - DJJonniBravo
It was two cents, man. We got even exchange on that thing. And you were so mad because the other one didn't work, and you were like you said, it was going to be even exchange. I said, Just give the guy the two cents and you wouldn't do it. I do two cents up there and we left. And you were so mad at me for paying two cents for that thing because the guy I still got that Onkyo, man, it's hooked up to my turntable right now.
[00:47:29.130] - DJJonniBravo
It works. Yes, I bought another Onkyo I got one in the bedroom that's hooked up to the turntable, and I got another one in the living room hooked up to an Onkyo. They're both on Onkyo I think.
[00:47:37.350] - Bryan Gifford Wow.
[00:47:37.650] - DJJonniBravo
And I think I actually might have a third one somewhere. That was a good unit, man.
[00:47:41.430] - Bryan Gifford
They were top of line back in the day.
[00:47:43.050] - DJJonniBravo
Yeah, we only had to pay two cents, but Bryan wouldn't give us $0.02 for that.
[00:47:46.530] - Bryan Gifford But we did. You still got it.
[00:47:47.910] - DJJonniBravo
I'm glad, too, because it's been a good mixer. I still have the Realistic, but it's been in the garage, so it probably doesn't work as good.
[00:47:55.230] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah, I'm glad you stepped into the 21st century and got you a DJ controller and not the Realistic mixer from back in the day.
[00:48:02.670] - DJJonniBravo
We wore that little Realistic out, man. People don't know what it's like to not have a Radio Shack. Radio Shack was the bomb.
[00:48:08.610] - Bryan Gifford Radio Shack was the bomb.
[00:48:09.990] - DJJonniBravo
Couldn't get you out of there. You would spend so much time looking at breaking cords and stuff. I'm like, we got enough cords, man. Let's go. We got a party. Let's get out of here. And then talking about boom boxes. You were always getting rid of the boom boxes right before we had a party. I'm like, Bryan, what are you going to do for speakers for the party? You got rid of the boom box.
[00:48:25.350] - Bryan Gifford
Speaker box. I pulled speaker box out of the trunk of the car Remember that?
[00:48:28.830] - DJJonniBravo
Normally, right before party, you'd roll over to some guy and say, hey, got this speaker box $100 and sell the speakers. And we went out of speakers to do the freaking party. We'd be speakerless. Bryan's got all the equipment now.
[00:48:40.650] - DJJonniBravo
He's not going to sell it to you. He's going to use it. So if you have a gig, give us a ring, we'll come out and we'll do the reunited play that.
[00:48:48.150] - Bryan Gifford
Yeah, just so everybody, you don't pull speaker boxes with Hummers. I'm not trying to boast it all here, but we're not using our car stereo speaker boxes for speakers. The Bose F One system. That's a $5,000 system. Eks speakers. That's a $5,000 system. Yeah, we're definitely rocking it the way it's supposed to be done.
[00:49:06.870] - DJJonniBravo
Now we're big time. We can't even get our heads through the doors. Nowadays, we're big time that's right. We're definitely big time. Well, thanks for being here, Bryan. I really do appreciate it being here. Thanks for going on to the Musical Influence of Bryan Gifford, Bryan T, and Johnny Lee Productions. No, I'm just playing. We could do this for, like, a month. We might have to have Bryan back. Maybe we can talk about some other things, maybe do something a little different with the format or whatever.
[00:49:34.470] - DJJonniBravo
So I appreciate you being here, Bryan.
[00:49:36.090] - Bryan Gifford Thanks for having me. All right.
[00:49:37.110] - DJJonniBravo
Thanks for going Under the Musical Influence of today's guest. That was Bryan Gifford on Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo. Also want to give a thanks to Year of October for rocking the intro and the outro. The drops. They had some rock and drops for us. We appreciate that Sweetwater for the
equipment. Go under the Musical Influence on Instagram at DJJonniBravo underscore Under the Influence. Please subscribe to Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo. Where you listen to your podcast? I'm Jonni Bravo. I will see you next time. Goodbye.
[00:50:55.990] - Year of October
You are no longer Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo, until next week. Bye.