Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo

S2-E6 - Aedan Thompson | One Man In the Band Sacred Wretch

DJJonniBravo/Aedan Thompson Season 2 Episode 6

Go Under the Musical Influence of Aedan Thompson answering 9 Questions about his Musical Self.
Aedan Started In The Band as Lead Vocalist in Rathe in North Carolina in 2017 to Picking Up the Guitar to Teach Himself, then as a Hobby he Learns & Plays the Drums, Guitar, & Bass Guitar and Now to a One Man Band Project called Sacred Wretch (A Mix Between Thrash Metal, Death Metal, & Black Metal) in Ashland, Wisconsin. (Hello Wisconsin!)

Vincent Taught Me Everything I Needed to Know About Music!

I Open to Learn to Play More Instruments Like the Bagpipes!

No Metalheads! It’s Very Country in Ashland, Wisconsin.

It All Started When I Was Born The Beatles Came into My Life!

It was my Mother Who Introduced me to The Beatles!

Metal Music Really Spoke to Me in My Teenage Years!

You Can Grow Out of The Beatles?

Every Time You Hear a New Rendition of the Song There’s Something New!

Paul McCartney is My Favorite Beatle!

When I 1st Listened to The Beatles, it Changed Me for Life!

Your Song Could be that Romantic Song or It Could Be GWAR!

Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, VA: Is Dave Brockie Really Buried There?

I was a Late Bloomer when it Came to Concerts!

Did Metallica Sell Out?

You look Like James Hetfield in the 90’s?

Beavis & Butthead ❤️ GWAR!

You Would Think We Had a GWAR Fest!

Remember When Ethan Embry from the Movie Empire Records Dreams of GWAR?

The Adrenaline Through My Body When GWAR was Spraying Fake Blood!

Moshing to GWAR Songs!

Atmospheric Gothic Hard Rock Metal is a Thing?

Water Blood Boarded with GWAR Blood!

Watching GWAR Live is Like Being High Without Being High!

Music Discussed from The Beatles, GWAR, Slayer, Anthrax, Testament, Behemoth, Lamb of God, Bring Me the Horizon, Metallica, Type O Negative  & More! 

Find Out More About the Band Sacred Wretch & Their Music!

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Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo
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Year of October:

You are now under the influence with DJJonniBravo.


Hello, I'm DJJonniBravo. Today you're going under the musical influence of today's guest, Aedan Thompson, on Under the Influence with DJJonniBravo. Aedan is my nephew. Aedan has been in the bands season two is titled in the band, so we're taking an in-depth look at anybody in a band. And Aedan fits that profile.

He was in a band in Virginia Beach Virginia, Chesapeake area called Rathe. And now he is in the Wisconsin area. And we'll talk about all that. And he's in a band called Sacred Wretch.


Yep, that's correct.


There you go. I just wanted to make sure I got the pronunciations of those. Correct. Aedan will jump right in and get you to tell me a little bit about your musical self and you can include the story of how you you became musical and how you got into these bands and all that


It all started when I was a young teenager. I met this guy, his name is Vincent, and he taught me everything I needed to know about music in itself especially instruments. Back in 2017, I picked up the guitar for the first time to teach everything by myself. And I've, since then I've been picking up other instruments. But I remember when I was a kid and I used to take piano lessons. It was very brief, but I took piano lessons for a little bit. I wish I continued taking piano lessons. Of course, but since. 20 16, 20 17. I've been practicing guitar, drums, recently picked up the bass, and I have been having a blast with everything and I'm and I am still open up to learn how to play more instruments, especially bagpipes. I wanna pick up the bagpipes.


There you go. And you can always, take lessons. Just because you stopped I'm sure there's probably somebody around that will teach you piano bagpipes really speak to me. It's more of a Scottish thing. I don't know if you have Scottish in your heritage or not, but With my school we're the Highland Springs Springers and our guy that used to have the mascot they change him up a little bit, so he looks more hardcore, which is cool. But he had bagpipes, he had bagpipes and somebody would sometimes play bagpipes. So I'm always used to hearing bagpipes. So that's not something you would typically. And especially with the kind of music that you're doing, cuz you're doing more of a metal, heavy metal type. Yeah. Is it death metal?


It is death metal. It's a mix between thrash metal, death, metal black metal, whatever you wanna call it.


And Rathe you were in the band with your friend and who else was in that band? What did what instruments did you play? What did he play? What did the rest of the guys do, that kind of thing.


Rathe was around for a couple years and they started in North Carolina and we would practice in North Carolina and we would play shows in Virginia, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, the whole nine yards. I was the lead vocalist of the band. I had contacted them to join the band and I gave them a showcase of what I could do with my vocals, and they had me come up with my best friend because my best friend played still plays guitar and he is an absolute legend at the guitar. So we came up we went down to North Carolina. We practiced, so he played guitar, and then there was another guy, his name is Talon, he also played guitar and he was a founding member of the band along with his friend Levi, who was the drummer Later on down the line, a couple months later we had a friend named Tim, who was Vincent's best friend one of his best friends from college, and he played bass and it Imwe were a band playing for the entire year in 2020 that unfortunately We didn't play as much as we could have because of covid and restrictions, public restrictions. But we played as many shows as we could. Unfortunately fell apart by 2021 because of unforeseen conditions.


And that's another reason why I decided to do the second season title in the band, because I know, 20 20, 20 21 summer of 2022 has been difficult for, the local bands and reaching out. And of course we've done, bands from Nashville and Richmond and Chesapeake and I didn't realize they were, your band was started in North Carolina. That's cool. And now Wisconsin. We're hitting a lot of the areas, but as far as the local bands and supporting that, it it didn't go out of favor. It just, you couldn't get together. You could only get together with so many people. So if you were in a band, it hurt you. But if you played like. Piano and you could come out and do something that you could maybe have more gigs, that kind of thing. But it's unfortunate that it broke down. But you started something new there in Wisconsin with the Sacred Wretch. And tell us a little bit about that project and what you're doing with the band, I guess the one man band, cuz you're, it's you told me earlier it was you. So tell me a little bit about that project.


I'll start off with a couple years ago with, when the name of the band came about, I was hanging out with my old best friend. He, we were just coming up with a bunch of random band names and he came up with Sacred Wretch and by the time I moved up to Wisconsin, I adopted that band name cuz I remembered it. And. As a hobby of mine, I do play instruments such as drums, guitar, bass, and I have those all in my music room as we speak. But unfortunately here in Ashland, Wisconsin, there aren't many people who know how to play instruments, let alone people who are actually metalheads. It's very country up here. A lot of people love country music. There are country music bands that are in town. But not metal at the moment. I am currently searching for new band members. It is very difficult, especially since Covid is still going around. It's not as bad as it used to be in 20 20, 20 21, but I recently released a single on Apple Music, Spotify, wherever you can listen to music YouTube music, Amazon Music, it's a self-titled song, Sacred Wretch. I I believe I released that in August. And I have an upcoming single releasing hell on earth. That's what it's called.


that sounds really promising. And you're, you're getting a good outlet today. As far as the podcast, we gotta. Probably about two listeners out there that might play instruments that you could, you could speak directly to. No we've we almost have about 500 listeners on this show, if you can believe that. I didn't think it would go Wow that far and, a good amount of countries, I think 10 or 12. And and we're hitting a lot of the states different areas of different states. So we do have a pretty decent sized audience. If we'll give you information a little bit later on, but if you're interested in joining the band, if you're, near the Ashland Wisconsin area we'll get you that information so you can get in touch with Aiden and maybe become part of the project for Sacred Wretch and and be in the band with him so he can maybe let go of one of the instruments.


Absolutely. I currently completed nine songs from my upcoming debut album. Hopefully I'll be releasing that sometime, maybe the summer but it is a big hassle, especially when you're working alone.


Yeah. That camaraderie sometimes really sparks the create activity, that in itself is sometimes why people are in a band, because it's I can't think of all the ideas just by myself. I need, I need the bass player, I need the drummer, I need the singer. I need somebody to kick something in, kick the door down, or have a breakup or something so we can have a song to write about


it really is difficult to maintain alone.


We'll see what we can do with our two or three listeners out there. Maybe they'll contact you and see if they can be in your band. Let's talk a little bit about music discoveries. When did you first discover music? How old were you? Where were you, what were you doing?


It all started when I was born. The Beatles came into my life, and that was a big one. That was a very big one. I believe it was my mother who introduced me to The Beatles, and that was the very first band I could ever remember. Songs like yeah, Beatles songs.


Beatles songs.


Beatles songs. A lot of them, there's so many of'em. Oh boy. Come Together. That's, that was the song that I'm thinking of. I was obsessed with that song, but there is so many other songs that I like from the Beatles. Too many to remember.


Your aunt would be very proud of you because that's one of her favorite bands that she loves to listen to. She listens to five artists on Spotify. The Beatles is one. Billy Joel is another. Pink Floyd is another, and she doesn't listen to much new music. she doesn't listen to her nineties playlist that much, but, so she would be proud of that answer for the Beatles because in our family, that's a big big winner.


Of course after growing up and getting introduced to a new genre of music metal, which really spiked in my late teenage years, I unfortunately have grown out of the Beatles, but there's a butt. The Beatles does and will always hold a special place in my heart because it reminds me of family. my mom, aunt Michelle, aunt Jessica. everybody.


Yeah. And it's a good band to get a foundation for, because, if you think about music and, it's like football, like Bill Belichick's always talking about the fundamentals. The fundamentals. Now I'm not a Patriots fan, but he's always talking about the fundamentals and the same thing with music. So it's the fundamentals. So the Beatles and some of those rock and roll bands from the fifties. Even though you're a metalhead, if you listen to some of those, you'll gain that real simple like melody of music that you can take and build upon. And there's so much ways to do it now. Like they wanted to do so much things back in the day with technology that they could not do. The technology just was not there. And today, I look, you got a song on Spotify back in the day. we would try to be running you down to get something outta your trunk, CD or tape or whatever, and you're on Spotify. And that's, that speaks volumes to what an artist can do nowadays. So think about those fundamentals, not to push you back into the Beatles or any other genre, but if you ever get a chance to listen to some of that, you pick up certain things. Yeah. And if you're a lover of, rock and you're a lover, The guitar, you'll be able to listen to some of that and, probably find new appreciation for it. Now there's just some genres you might not listen to. I didn't realize that Wisconsin was a country town. I've interviewed some people in Nashville and Nashville's a country town, but it's also got other elements going on, and I would've never picked that up for Wisconsin. And that's, that's a, good genre. It's not something I always listen to, but I do. Listen to country, and I do have a background listening to country and if you ask me, I would tell you, not that I really hate country, but it's not one of the genres that I'm always listening to. So you could always pick up other genres and see what they have to offer as far as songwriting. Country has a good amount of people that do, they're really good songwriters too, So if you're looking to, get into that game, like Willie Nelson, he wrote a lot of stuff for Patsy Cline. Yeah. And you just don't know where your influences are gonna come from. And so that's good that metal is where you're at. Hey, you'll gain more appreciation for metal now and see where you're gonna head once the album comes out or the next single.


I hope so. I hope so.


Let's talk about songs and what was the first song that you. The first song that I can remember I did just bring this up.


When it comes to The Beatles, it was come together. That's why it was a little bit hard to come to my mind, but I, that was the first song I could remember from my childhood. The amount of times they Remastered the song ev. Every time you hear a new rendition of the song, there's something new that you didn't catch before. I always find that really cool that they can go back into the original recordings and change things up to make it more modern. But Come Together was the very first song I can remember. it has a really cool slow beat. It's very groovy very groovy. And when they build the song up, everything comes together, all the instruments come together by the climax of the song, and then they just jam out. I love it. It's a great song.


Yeah. Like I said, you can't go wrong uh, with the Beatles, and I've probably said it on this show before. There's a deleted scene from Pulp Fiction where they talk about there's Beatles people and there's Elvis people. Yep. And see you and your mom and Aunt Chelle Were Beatles people. I am an Elvis person and you could tell by the hair and what little I have left, but with the spiked and everything like that, that I'm an Elvis person, more so than I'm a Beatles person, but you can never go wrong with the Beatles.


Never. You can never, ever go wrong with them.


Never go wrong.


Paul McCartney is my favorite.


Yeah. Paul McCartney. That's my favorite Beatle too. And if you ever get a chance if he comes through Wisconsin and you got a couple bucks, go see him because he's a great storyteller. And he talks about Hendrix, he talks about the Beatles. He brings out other guitars from. Lennon and from George Harrison. And then I don't know if he's ever had Ringo join him, but what I heard recently, they did the that documentary on Disney, and they are using part of that documentary, that redone documentary. And he's actually in concert with John, singing with John from that Track of music. Yeah, if you get a chance, go see him, but we'll take a break. We'll be right back. Hang.

Year of October:

You are still under the influence. BJ DJJonniBravo.


We are back. I'm Jonni Bravo. You're going under the musical influence of today's. Aedan Thompson On Under The Influence with DJJonniBravo. Alright, Aedan, let's talk about girlfriends. What is the first song for that long distance dedication or your first couple song?


Well, There is no other girlfriend.


So what's that song that you and guys dance to or play all the time in the car or as you're, hanging out?


There's quite a few of them. We were coming home from dinner and I looked at her and I said, what is our song? and if you know anything about Richmond GWAR is a very big metal band in Richmond. She said it's Saddam Gogo from GWAR and I'm. One of the first song, if not the first song you and I listened to on our first date was Hotdog by Limp Bizkit And I like to say it's Hotdog by Limp Bizkit. And unlike Saddam Gogo by gwar, at least, hotdog has a little bit of romantic lyrics in it.


hey, your song could be that romantic song, or it could be GWAR.


GWAR all the way


You can't go wrong with that. Locally in Richmond, they are from vcu. They did start out in vcu in the costumes and throwing blood on the audience and all kinds of cool stuff back in the day, which moms would flip out over and say was Satan, worship and all that kind of stuff, which is always fun too. But recently Plan 9 Music where I go and pick up a lot of my music, had their 40th anniversary. and one of the members that came in there dressed in his GWAR outfit with flowers for Plan 9 so if you go on Plan 9 Music on their Instagram page, it's probably, might have, might be from six months or a year ago. But see if you can find that picture. It's pretty cool. And then there's also a GWAR bar in Richmond. So next time you're in Richmond, we should definitely head down to Guar. Oh yeah. And check that out cuz I haven't been there. And so that would be something cool to do with you while when, if you're in town


oh my gosh. Absolutely. I've actually, I believe it was last June my friends and Imwe drove up to Richmond. We visited a vinyl conflict that's a record store, and I love that place. And just down the street is the Hollywood Cemetery where the headstone of late Oderus Urungus or Dave Brockie, the. Former front man of GWAR his headstone is there. And then after that we had lunch at the GWAR bar. And it was just a great small experience. Not too expensive. We had a great time. So one of these days we'll plan to go down there. We'll meet you guys. Everyth.


Just to let you know, vinyl conflict has moved. They have a really cool space now. It's really large space that they moved into. I believe it's on Grace Street now. So they're no longer right there by Hollywood Cemetery, but it's still a hop, skip and a jump away to do that. And if any of our listeners are out there right now, and they're near Richmond Vinyl Conflict is known for their metal. Speed, metal, death, metal, whatever kind of metal. And punk, they have all kinds of genres of course, cuz they're a record store, but they have a really good selection of that. If that is what you're looking for me, I'm always looking for rap. I can't find it. I think I need to be in another area to be able to find that I find it every now and again. But if you're looking for that type of music, vinyl conflict is where he is at. And Hollywood Cemetery man, is, has been around for a long time, right there on the water right there on the James River. And it's a really pretty scenery, even though it's a cemetery. It's like, how can you say that when you're, it's a cemetery, but you just have to go and experience it. And the lead singer, unfortunately passed away and he's buried there. So that's that, that makes for a cool day.


A little conspiracy theory about if he's buried there or not. He was cremated and his crematory remains were given to family and some members of the band. There was a lawsuit behind it and everything, but his headstones there and that's really cool.


so you can at least go now. Does any of the trackers go there? Do they glasses or memorabilia or pennies or, anything like that on the gravestone? I know they do that. When people go to see Jim Morrison's grave in Paris?


Yeah. You'll see beer cans, pennies, of course, you'll see guitar picks. Last time I went there were direct condoms on a. It was great. It was fantastic, and we had a great moment of silence, paying our wrist backs.


That's cool. let's talk about concerts. What was your first concert or the first concert that you remember?


Wow. I was a late bloomer when it came to concerts. But my first concert was, believe it or not, was Slayer back in 2018 at the Veterans United Homelands Amphitheater in Virginia Beach. And that was on their first leg of their farewell tour. Late bloomer. Yeah, I know, I believe I had just turned 18. Slayer was an experience. They were very brutal with, especially with our pyrotechnics. I was about 300 feet away of the, from the stage, and you could still feel the heat from the stage. It was immaculate. They had other bands playing with them like anthrax which was also a good time testament behemoth. which they surprised me. Life and Lamb of God which is also a band from Richmond. I love Lamba God and I love guri. It's just Virginia represent, you


Virginia has a good history of some bands and some artists as well as D'Angelo. He's from this area. And Missy Elliot, she's from your area down in Chesapeake. She's got a avenue named after, so there's a Missy Elliot Boulevard or something down in that area. Yeah, Portsmouth, Timberland is one of the guys that does beats and he did beats for Misty. He also did some of the albums for Justin Timberlake and I just saw recently on Instagram, cuz I'll follow him. I think he's working with something else with Justin Timberlake, which is nowhere near being a fan of you're like a metal head. But anyway it sounds like an awesome. For a show at the Virginia Beach veterans United, they might change. They've changed their name so many times, but I think they're still the United Homes amphitheater down there. Great venue.


Fantastic. It's very spatial too.


and I was just talking about you guys the other day cuz I was talking to a couple and they were like my, my buddy was saying y'all should do this and y'all should do that. There's four of them. And I said, Hey, I know with my nieces and nephew there's a, there were four of them, so they didn't get a chance to get out and do a lot of things growing up. But as soon as you turn 18, you're running to go see. One of your favorite bands or a group of your favorite bands and checking'em out So late Bloomer or not, man, what a great first concert to remember.


Absolutely. Especially since Slayer is now retired. Unfortunately. I'm glad I got to see them.


Yeah, you never know. They always say it's gonna be the last concert. Rolling Stones back in 89, put out Steel Wheels and they said, it's our last concert ever. It's the last time we're touring. This is it. We're. Yeah. They're still touring even they're, their drummer recently passed away. They're still touring. Yeah. Zizi Top was still touring until recently they lost the other brother yeah, that's, yeah. So that was sad. And some good trivia about ZZ Top. the guy that doesn't have a beard, his last name is beard.


Wow. Yeah. Very ironic. Yeah,


very ironic. All right let's talk about your musical purchases. What was your first music purchase? Was it vinyl, tape, cd, or stream? And where did you purchase your music or where do you purchase your music?


My first purchase was cd. And it was a British band, a British. Metal cor band called Bring Me The Horizon. They now produce pop music. But it was the album called Seiter Released in 2013. And this is the band that was the gateway to my passion for heavy metal. It was Bring Me The Horizon and Metallica, of course, but Bring Me The Horizon, did it for me back in middle school. And I, I purchased that at a Target. With my own money that I earned from mowing a lawn.


And something that I might have told you before, and maybe you don't know about me, but growing up on the weight of school I hung out with the Metalheads, so we'd listened to Slayer and Metallica and Mega Death on the cassette deck there in the car.

And jamming out. And we'd go by 711 on the way to school, and then we'd always be late for school. So we were those metalheads, even though I probably didn't have the jacket, the Dio jacket, like the guy does on Stranger Things. I was part of that click. Yeah, some good.


It is good. Pick there, man. Yeah. All right, let's take another break and we'll be right back. Hang.

Year of October:

You are still under the influence. BJ DJJonniBravo.

We are back. I'm Jonni Bravo. You're going under the musical influence of. Guest Aedan Thompson On Under The Influence with DJ DJJonniBravo. All right. This is the types of questions that get people in trouble or that they are like, oh, man, that question for reels. What's your favorite song?


Oh, man, that question for reels.


For reels,


for reals? My goodness. Wow. I knew I was gonna be asked this question, but I still never came up with a complete answer. I believe, oh my gosh, I am puzzled.


You're having a brain cloud.


I am having a brain cloud. Okay. I remember that my favorite song for a while was One by Metallica. I love history. I've always loved history. I love learning about war. You can think Poopa for that. And I love heavy metal and what's not to love. those three, when you listen to one by Metallica, be Beautiful, ballad very energetic at the end. And I, I still want to say that it, that is my favorite song. However there's other bands where I have a favorite song from there's a band called Type O Negative Them. I love the song Anesthesia. Gwar. My favorite song is probably, oh my gosh, sick of You maybe. Oh, Phantom Limb. I like that one. It's the Phantom Limbs about the late LA singer odor. How he left an impact on the band in the world. Really great. But one for Metallica is the one for me.


Now, have you ever seen the video for one?


Absolutely. Many times.


So this is the album that basically they said that Metallica sold out, if you can believe that they said that. I could can't believe cuz they were on M T V. Back in the day and they were selling records they didn't need to be. And but I guess they had a vision for one that they really wanted to portray. But a lot of the people that love Metallica said this is when they sold out and started doing different music, but. One is such a great song. How can you not like that? And it's just like one of those crescendo types, it keeps building up and building up and all that I say, and it's just, this keeps, murder. It keeps going, and you're just like, yeah, keep it, and then the video is just a it's like from an old film or whatever, but it's a good rendition of a song for a video, what you don't see very often.


I love the music video and I like to watch people complain about how long these songs would be, especially from their album and Justice For All, because that album has their longest songs on that album.


Nothing wrong with that man. It's Hey, it's metallic. I think, now it's probably grown into the psyche where it's just one of people's favorites and they probably forgotten all about that. They told'em that they sold out back in the day.


Yeah. can't believe they would say Injustice for all was their sellout album. And then after they released Injustice for All, they released the Black Album. And then more people said they sold out. And when you think about it, the Black Album is one of their best albums ever. the way they write, wrote their songs. I think it's perfect and. When Load and reload came out, then people started dropping the albums, burning their albums and throwing away their albums. But I have a very guilty pleasure for those albums.


Yeah there's nothing wrong with any of those records. And even when they cut their hair. People were like, I can't believe that they cut their hair and a lot when the metal bands or when the, at the time they called'em hair metal bands, when they cut their hair, people were like, man, they're selling out. They're cutting their hair. So it's just, you try to re-up yourself and re re not rediscover is what I'm not trying to say, but, you're. Portray a little bit different image, but it's still you. Yeah. And people are like I can't believe that they changed up and why did they have to change up? They were doing so good. They're still doing good. They're still selling out, stadiums and all that kind of stuff. So what are you gonna do,


absolutely. This is same thing when I cut my hair last year, I'd grown my hair out down to my shoulders and I cut my hair and everyone said, you look like James Hetfield in the nineties. Oh, shucks. Thank you,


Oh man. was trying to look up, I couldn't think of the name of this movie. But, there's a scene in the movie with GWAR where he has like a a dream and it's a, it's got the lady that was in Bridget Jones diary, I can't think of what her name is, but and I was gonna try to tell you the name of it. But anyway, I guess I'm at a loss for words on that. I couldn't look it up fast.


I know Beavis and Butthead loves GWAR


yes. Beavis and Butthead do love GWAR and it's fun to watch them when they get all amped up and especially when Beavis does because he's like Corno, and he'll start getting all, he'll getting all ramped up, Alright, let's go to another hard question. what's your favorite band?


There we go. The icing on the kick. for years it was Metallica. For years it was bringing the horizon, but recently I saw the band GWAR live getting the adrenaline The adrenaline surge through my body when they were spraying that fake blood all over. And moshing to their songs. I'd say GWAR is currently my favorite band, and Type O negative. I really like that. Atmospheric Gothic hard rock metal band. The metal music I, those are my three favorite bands currently. I have a Type O negative poster right behind me and a GWAR shirt over there and a GWAR poster over there. Yeah, I think those are my two favorite bands.


that's a good selection of artists to be your favorite. You can't go wrong with Metallica, like I said. You can't go wrong with nothing wrong with either of those bands and, it's just so much history behind GWAR and, their background and all that stuff. So I could understand with the fake blood that comes up and it shoots out over the audience how you could have that experience because it's like, it's just something you read about. until you witness it, you're just like, oh, man. That was like the coolest ever in the history of the world.


It was disgusting and I loved every second of it.


Yeah. And then you're like covered in blood, for the rest of the show. And it's just you're just basically, in heaven.


Oh my gosh. At the show, I was at the very front of the stage. I was right in front of the stage, so I was at the f the front of the crowd and they had sprayed their, the holes directly in my face, so I was practically drowning above water.

It, they wouldn't stop, but it kept getting in my mouth and it was nasty, but I loved it.


you were like being waterboard with GWAR Blood




that must've,


it was great.


Feels like to be waterboard and it was great. I paid admission for this man. Yeah. So the name of that movie is called Empire Records. Ethan Emery. Is the guy, he, and he's a favorite of your aunt Michelle's. She loves him, but he, I don't know if he has a dream or if he's watching a TV or what it is, but he has a whole. I think he's high, is basically what I think it is. And he has this whole dream of about GWAR. The movie's pretty good too, so you'll have to check it out. But for that scene it classic GWAR in that scene with Ethan Emory, so check that out. Empire Records, you'd probably find it on one of the streaming networks or channels or whatever.


Yeah. Watching GWAR live is like being high without being high.


it's an experience and you know when you're really going to a show and you're paying good money you, want to have that experience. Like when you go to amusement park, if you don't have that experience, You're like, man, why? I don't even know why I paid all this money, but you're paying all that money because you want to have the experience, and that experience just supersedes everything that you could actually just listen to on an album or a stream or whatever it is. It's like being in that group. Of, folks that love the band as much as you do and that are just going balls to the wall. And then, everybody's there for the same thing. Everybody's, listening or singing at the, on the same lyrics or moshing or, whatever it is. And it's just great to be part of that experience.


It was amazing. Yes, I agree.


All right are you ready for the big final.


Let's do this.


Let's do it. How has music impacted your life?


This is the best question anybody in the world has ever asked me. Yeah, music impacted my life so much. If it weren't for music, I wouldn't be making music myself. I wouldn't have made my first purchase buying my first guitar. I would never have had remote interest in taking piano lessons as a kid. And it is just, it's all a chain reaction. Music, when I first listened to The Beatles, it changed me for life. and I grew up listening to many genres. Country music was one of them. My favorite country artist is Garth Brooks. I really like Garth Brooks but I don't listen to country unless someone else plays it, but it's music has heavily, and I really mean heavily. impacted me, especially with the music. I release my own. If weren't for music, I would never have been in Rath I would never have met the friends I've had or have now. And I feel like I would just be lost without it.


Music for most people is an outlet into their creativity. And there's a lot of artists or bands or groups that when you're talking to the individual members and they think back, like your with the Beatles and playing piano, you have that experience that totally changes your life forever. It's once you see that particular artist or do that particular thing, and you could point to any artist, band or group and they're gonna have that story that impacts them. And now because of that, you're impacting others with the music that you're doing and the music that you're creating, even if you're only impacting a few. Like one of our favorite bands, Mar and Imwe go out and see 21 Pilots and they started off with just a handful of friends. Doing their show, and they did the same type of show they did for a handful of our friends, and now they're touring and playing to, millions of people at festivals and other areas and everybody's singing their song back to'em. But they would still do that show man if it was just their, eight or 10 friends or whatever that was there. And that is the kind of commitment and stuff and the kind of things that, it inspires you to do and now, you're impacting others. Somebody's gonna listen to your music and they'll be telling that story. When I heard the record from Sacred Wretch, I was impacted and, changed my life and I knew I wanted to get out there. And if Aedan could do one man band, I can do one man band and put my information in my album and my creativity out there to the world. So good stuff.


Very good stuff,


Good stuff. Alright tell us where we can find out more information about Sacred Wretch. Where you guys are listed know you said you're on all the streaming, but do you have any merch or, I know you said you, you got another single coming out album. Tell us where we can find out about you.


Sure. Sacred Wretch is a very young. One man project. So currently I do not have any merchandise out yet. However, I am investing in merchandise currently. Whether it is a. Creating CDs, T-shirts, patches guitar picks that is currently being invested in right now. But you could also find Sacred Wretch on Facebook. You could find us, me on Instagram. Those are the two biggest non-music platforms find me on. I am not on TikTok for Sacred Wretch, unfortunately. Maybe that is a possibility in the future.


When you're a one man band and you're doing it all by yourself you're still in the band, but it's you're still doing band and you have to make all the basically everything that you want to do for the band. Me, myself and I, you have to get together and make sure that you're doing the right stuff. So running the social media pages is difficult too, and I was recently reading an article about the launch of this new Taylor Swift record and how she was basically not using social media the way she's done it in the past, but there's so many avenues for social media now, and you're trying to pick the right one to be on, and you're in a one man band. So it's Hey, I'm on Instagram right now, and that's fine. We'll find your information there, but you also have some streams on Apple Music. Is it anywhere else? Is it on Spotify? Is anywhere else that you have your music? Just Apple Music?


You could listen to Sacred Wretch, Spotify, apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube, music. I'd say practically everywhere you can listen to music.




with the exception of vinyl tape, cd. Not yet though. Hopefully soon.


Coming in soon. Coming in soon.


Coming in soon.


I guess that's it, man. I appreciate you being here today and I appreciate you coming onto the show. And I think you got a good project with Sacred Wretch there, and I implore people out there to check.


Thank you so much for having me. It's it was a great session and I've been waiting for this to happen ever since you released the podcast.


Oh good. I'm glad I could make your dreams come true, so at least I'm still inspiring as well,




All right, thanks for going under the musical influence of today's guest, Aedan Thompson On Under The Influence with DJJonniBravo. Go under the influence on Instagram, DJ J O n n I Bravo underscore under the Influence. Contact us by email dj DJJonniBravo dot under the influence@yahoo.com. Check out my other podcast with my son, Hero Chat Show. Please subscribe to Under the Influence with DJ DJJonniBravo wherever you listen to your podcast. I'm DJJonniBravo. I'll see you next time. Goodbye.

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